Magnolia Cup – the Magnolia cup is a season long Individual Point Quota game loosely based on the Fed Ex Cup/CME Cup model. All members compete within flights to win their “Cup” at the end of the season. At least 3 places will be paid within each flight. Points are accumulated based on gross scores by hole. Players must reach their point requirement (which is determined based on your handicap) before counting plus points. This game will only count the cumulative total of plus points. Games where a player scores minus points will count as 0 for that game.

Flights for the Magnolia Cup competition are based on your handicap index as of May 1 each year. You will remain in this flight for the entire season; however, as your handicap changes so do the number of points you need to earn.  The link below was generated using Golf Genius and shows which flight, based on your handicap index, you fall into.

FLIGHT 1HC INDEX6-4-2 SCORE8/6/202410/1/202412/10/20242/4/2025
Reed, Helene13.551000015
Jones, Marti16.0008008
Lindsey, Brenda17.3000000
Dziekan, Jackie18.1400004
Beck, Barbara18.2300003
Stefani, Kathy18.311000011
Walker, Paula18.6004004
Lawrence, IvaLee18.6300003
Trosberg, Eva18.7000000
Paro, Clare19.5400004
Zavoda, Ileen20.3000000
Barry, Shirley20.5000202
Moyes, Johanne20.8xx4004
Schwartz, Jan20.8000000
Henderson, Janice21.8000505
Crowley, Peg22.2000000
Hartz, Judy22.80472013
Holland, Becky23.3401005
Wolf, Julie24.0000000
Stone, Judith24.5010056
Chipollini, Jayne24.6000000
Caverly, Wanna25.6xx0011
Sia, Bernadette26.2000101
Bodenheim, Mary26.400011011
Robertson. Sherry27.10020810
Messina, JoAnn27.7000000
Massey, Cheryl27.8013004
Holley, Dawn28.110101012
Randall, Georgia28.304313020
Kim, Lily28.6502007
Hom, Lynnette29.4000000
McDanel, Anne29.6000000
Roseland, Joanne30.5xx000
Slaby, Karen32.122110015
Dougherty, Patricia32.2000000
Stickler, Cara32.9000000
Bockiaro, Gail33.40038314
Romiti, Viginia34.86150517
Feldberg, Henny35.3000000
Feldberg, Henny38.0xx000
Kim, Sung Ja38.3000000
Vollmer, Mia39.4000000