The name of this Association is the CITRUS HILLS LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION. The CHLGA is a nonprofit organization for amateur women members of the Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club.
The purpose of this Association is to foster interest and promote competition in golf among the members of this organization.
ARTICLE III – Membership
- Members must have an annual golf membership in the Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club. Membership is limited to property owners within the Villages of Citrus Hills. Membership will be closed at 150 members.
- Individual membership in this Association is open to female golfers who have a USGA handicap index of 40.4 or less in the GHIN System at the time of application and admission.
- If, during the golf season (May through April), a member’s handicap index exceeds 40.4, she may continue to play in team games. Her score will not be used by the team and she is not eligible to earn chits. The team score will be filled with a blind draw. The member may continue to play in individual games, however, she will be required to play at the 40.4.index to be eligible for chits.
- Existing members who do not qualify to a 40.4 handicap index by March 31st of each year will be ineligible to renew their membership until their club index meets membership requirements for a consecutive two (2) month period.
- Each member must pay an annual membership fee to the CHLGA before the last day of March. The voting members of the Board of Directors will determine the dues for the following year and advise the members by February 15th. There will be no reductions or refunds. Membership runs from May 1st through April 30th.
- There will be no refunds for special events unless notice is given prior to a meal count being submitted by the event committee. If adequate notice is given, the cost of the meal will be refunded to the member. If other costs are associated with an entry fee, such as prize money, said amounts will not be refunded.
ARTICLE IV – Discipline and Dismissal
- Acceptance of membership will bind each member to uphold all rules of the Association; observe laws, rules and etiquette of golf as set forth by the USGA and accept and observe all decisions of the Board of Directors acting within its jurisdiction.
- All disputes, either in match or stroke play, will be reported to the Club Professional for adjudication as soon as the match is ended.
- Any member reprimanded three (3) times by the Board of Directors will be automatically dropped from the Association for the remainder of the season.
ARTICLE V – Government
- The control and management of this Association are entrusted to a Board of Directors composed of the elected officers, League Play Director, Membership Director and Past President.
- The Officers of the Association consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office is one (1) year. Officers may be reelected for an additional year, but no person may serve in the same position for more than two (2) consecutive years.
ARTICLE VI – Elections
- Officers of the Association are elected annually on the last Tuesday of February. The installation of officers is conducted on the last Tuesday of April.
- A Nominating Committee is composed of three (3) members appointed by the Board. Said committee will propose names of members for the Office of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and will present them in writing to the Secretary who will send an electronic posting to members by the first Tuesday in February. Additional nominations may be made in writing by any ten (10) members by sending such nominations to the Secretary by the third Tuesday in February. Additional nominations will be sent to members via electronic posting immediately.
- Only members who have been active in the Association for a period of one (1) year are eligible to be a member of the Nominating Committee. A candidate for office must be a resident of the Villages of Citrus Hills for at least 6 months of the year. Two officers must be year round residents, one being Treasurer or Secretary and one being President or Vice President.
- Voting will be by secret ballot, provided there are two or more candidates for any office.
- The Board of Directors will have the power to fill any vacancy in their number until the next election.
ARTICLE VII – Meetings
- The Board of Directors will meet at the call of the President. Two-thirds of the Board members will constitute a quorum.
- This Association will have at least two (2) general meetings during league season.
- Additional general membership meetings may be called at any time by the President or the Board of Directors or by written request to the President by at least one-fourth of the members of the Association.
- One-third of the members in good standing constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any general membership meeting. A majority of votes is needed to pass a motion, endorse a proposal and elect officers.
- Robert’s Rules of Order will serve as a guide for meetings.
ARTICLE VIII – Powers and Duties of the Officers
- President – She presides at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. She appoints the non-elected Directors and Chairpersons for all committees and acts as member ex-officio of all standing or temporary committees, except the Nominating Committee. In alternating, even numbered years, she appoints a chairperson who will select at least 2 members to serve as a committee to review the By-Laws. She appoints 2 members (not officers) to audit the financial records each year.
- Vice President – She fills the chair of the President in her absence and acts as her assistant when called on by the President.
- Secretary – She is responsible for all papers of the Association and, in general, performs all the duties applicable to such office.
- Treasurer – She keeps an accurate account of all funds received, reports the finances whenever requested by the Board of Directors and, in general, performs all duties applicable to her office. In the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer, the President or Secretary may perform her duties.
- These bylaws may be amended or revised at any general membership meeting of the Association by two-thirds of the votes cast, provided that the proposed change has been submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and sent to members via electronic posting thirty day prior to this meeting.
- Bylaws must be reviewed at least once every two years, in even numbered years. 2024 is the next year the by-laws will be reviewed.
ARTICLE X – League Play
- The President, Club Professional or Superintendent has the authority to cancel league play in the event of inclement weather, course maintenance or for other reasons of necessity. In all instances, if fifty percent (50%) of that day’s field finishes all 18 holes, the game will be official, as determined by the President and/or League Play Director. If the scheduled game is an individual competition, 12 players will be required to call it an official league game and thus pay chits to the winners. Although we try to honor a 10 point spread in building flights, these 12 players will be 1 flight regardless of handicap spread. In this format, 1/4 of the field will be paid and should cover payout to 3 players. If a team game is scheduled, the minimum number of players required to constitute an official game will be 16. These players will be broken into 4 teams and the 1st place team will be awarded chits. If, on a team game play day, the number of players falls between 12 and 15, the game format will be changed to Individual Point Quota. If the number of players on a team play day falls below 12, there will be no official league game. Those players who wish to play regardless may tee off during the regularly scheduled 9:00 AM tee times.
- A member who leaves golf course property, except for restroom purposes, will be disqualified.
- All Eagles and Holes-in-One are official if made during League play even though the game in progress was cancelled, provided the player has not withdrawn or been disqualified.
- Golf professionals will not be allowed in league play except when their inclusion is part of the game as designed by the League.