Welcome to CHLGA!


(Established September 1984)

Hello and welcome to Citrus Hills,

We are so glad you are interested in learning more about our 18-hole ladies golf league, Citrus Hills Ladies Golf Association (CHLGA).

Our league golf day is every Tuesday from the first of May through the last Tuesday in April; however, mid-year enrollment is available at a reduced rate. Tee time is 8:30 a.m. shotgun on the Oaks course.  Players use  the Club’s Golf Genius electronic sign-up system, and must sign up for Tuesday play by noon on Monday.  Tee time is at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning with an 8:00 a.m. check-in and  a brief meeting to explain the day’s game or cover other general league information.

We have a wonderful website ( WWW.CHLGA.org ) filled with valuable information. Research the bylaws of the Association; read our Standing Rules; find a list of Officers and volunteers as well as the dates for General Meetings & Special Events and check each week to determine what game is scheduled. Of course, the Directory has a complete listing of members which includes address, telephone number and e-mail address.

Besides our regularly scheduled Tuesday play, we have several ongoing events in the CHLGA.

Ringer Challenge, a tournament where you track your best gross score for each hole, begins on your first day of play. At season’s end, one low gross winner is awarded in each of the fights.

Ace of Aces is an individual low gross/low net tournament with qualifying rounds played on alternate months. For the final tournament in April, awards are given for first and second low gross/low net in each flight.

Magnolia Cup is an ongoing cumulative game where the winners will be determined at year end.  In this an individual game each player earns points based on their gross score.

We hope this gives you a good overview of our golf league. You will find that league members are social as well as competitive. We follow the rules of golf as written by the USGA and respect the integrity of the game. We also enjoy the game, the atmosphere, the golf course and each other during play.

If you have any further questions, feel free to  send an e-mail to [email protected]

We look forward to answering any of your question or better still, seeing you every Tuesday morning!

Sincerely, CHLGA Board of Directors


Members must be annual golf members of the CHGCC and must qualify to a 40.4 handicap index with a minimum of 10 scores posted in GHIN, the Club’s golf management software program.

The annual membership fee is $70.00 plus $5 for the Hole-in-One fund. The season runs from the first Tuesday in May through the last Tuesday in April.   We have a mid-year sign-up rate available ($45 after November 1), so you may join at any time during the season.

For more information, please call our President, Jan Schwarz at (909) 802-8649 or send us an e-mail.